Ian Smith is a Fluvial Geomorphologist and Land Information Specialist with more than 30 years of specialized experience in stream restoration, Natural Channel Design (NCD), LIDS/GI implementation, erosion control, and bank stabilization, plus the design of constructed wetlands for storm and wastewater treatment. Ian has extensive practical experience developing innovative fluvial geomorphic and wetland designs as well as undertaking complex river/stream systems analyses, using geospatial tools (GIS/RS). He led the team that designed the award winning (OPWA Project of the year, 2008; SWANA Excellence award, 2010) Chedoke Creek Bank Stabilization/Restoration for the City of Hamilton. Ian has developed/taught curriculum at the graduate level for over 25 years, in Ecosystems Restoration and GIS/Geomatics, domestically and internationally. In 2017, Ian was awarded the ECO Canada National Environmental Impact Award, largely for his efforts in the study and restoration of Niagara’s 12 Mile Creek.